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Trauma Psychotherapy

What is Trauma Psychotherapy:

Trauma Psychotherapy can be for those that have experienced a trauma of any sort in their lifetime either once or numerous times. Sometimes it can feel like you have forgotten large parts of what happened which is quite normal. Some individuals have had so much trauma without any support that they don’t recognise what they thought was normal life was actually quite abusive in a variety of ways. While working together by talking therapies, EMDR or doing Brainspotting we can resolve some of the effects and add some perspective to this so you stop telling yourself that you are to blame when you are not.

Who needs Trauma Psychotherapy:

Those individuals who have been through harm find it difficult to cope. Those who may feel they shouldn’t talk about the situation can at last say to a professional with empathy and care in a confidential space what happened. Some people may first come to therapy because of anxiety or depression and realise that these might have been symptoms to past traumatic events. Those that will put in care, boarding schools or adopted can have additional needs on top of some of the trauma that may have occurred in those places. Trauma can also come from being a young carer especially if the symptoms of any of the adults around them are confusing and don’t make sense. Clients may sometimes say that their child, teen or adult years didn’t have much stress for some people it may be that difficult subject that comes to mind or rent as a dream quite often. Trauma isn’t only the situation that happened but it is also how many times after that it was thought about and negative criticisms one might have said about themselves.

How Long It Takes

That can depend on something occurring over a long period or your mind seems to remind you whenever you feel anxious. Some people come to therapy wanting to fix one thing and being quite surprised and quite a few other things also need attention. I initially ask clients see me for six sessions and if they feel we may not be the right match it is okay to choose a different psychotherapist. If you do opt to see someone else, I can provide websites week you can find a different sort therapist to meet your healing journey. Sometimes people see me for a short time and may return a year or two later saying they are ready to work on some things.


The benefits of psychotherapy or counselling can be long-lasting and sometimes you may not realize how much can be achieved once healing has occurred. Some have restarted university, met a partner, laid down how they will raise their kids or grandkids, become activists, travel after being scared to leave home, and numerous other achievements. Achievements will be different for every person as my psychotherapy caters to each client.

Trauma Psychotherapy can help children or adulthood who have experiences of;

  • Alcohol or drug use in the home that led to unsafe behaviours
  • Being called names or yelling in the home
  • Difficult divorces between parents/ carers
  • Emotional needs like care or love are absent
  • Harm at boarding school or in care
  • Having a parent or sibling in prison
  • Lived or living in a warzone
  • Medical situations that look scary in yourself or others
  • Mental illness in a family member that is not supported
  • Physical harm
  • Reasons you had to escape your own country
  • Religious or other groups that don’t feel safe after leaving
  • School bullying
  • Seeing a parent mistreated
  • The harm of a sexual nature
  • War from military service: it can also include becoming a child soldier or being raped in a war setting which has been spoken about by organisations such as Amnesty International.
  • You may have also experienced something that hasn’t already been mentioned in this list but does cause you a lot of heartache or other physical symptoms.

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